Last year I had a miscarriage at 10 weeks, it was the hardest thing I had ever been through, myself and my partner had been trying for 4 months, getting the positive test was the happiest day of my life.
The next day after getting my positive I went to the early pregnancy centre where I had a blood test and they told me I would have to wait up to 3 days for the results. The next morning I woke up to a phone call to say the results were negative and I would have to come back in for another blood test, so I went back and they took more blood and I got the results that it was positive my HCG was 5 and that I had to come back yet again for another blood test 5 days later.
Five days later I went in for my blood test and they also gave me a scan where they saw nothing, not even a sac and they said to me it was probably just too early and to come back in 2 weeks. During the 2 week wait I got a call with my HCG results and was told they're not doubling like they should be which made me really concerned, they said I would have to do more blood tests to check the numbers.
At my next scan appointment, all they could see was a small gestational sac, to which they said we should have seen a baby and heartbeat by now. I was told I may have had my dates wrong and I might have ovulated earlier which I knew was not the case because my cycles are not that long as I got a positive 6 days before my period. At this point, I knew not to get my hopes up... During the wait for my next scan, I started to bleed which confirmed my thoughts it was not going to end well.
Two weeks later I went for my next scan which showed that the sac had grown but nothing else, I had a blighted ovum and was basically given 3 option. First was that I could wait to miscarry naturally, come in for a D&C operation or take the tablets which will make me have contractions and pass everything, known as managed miscarriage. I chose to wait 2 weeks to see if I would miscarry naturally... After the scan I broke down in tears in the waiting room, I was on my own because my partner was at work and I had to wait in a room while they got a doctor. I was so angry that they made me wait an hour in a room with no one to comfort me after telling me such heart-breaking news.
I should have known I wouldn't be fortunate enough to have a natural miscarriage, so it was another trip to the hospital where I had to pick between the other 2 I had mentioned previously. I decided on the managed miscarriage by taking the tablets in the hospital and honestly choosing that option was a massive regret.
On the date of the managed miscarriage, my partner and I headed to the hospital where we had been given a private room. The nurse came in and inserted the tablets, 5 minutes after that the bleeding came and it wasn't just a little it was a lot! The cramping was so bad and unlike normal contractions when you give birth full term you do not get a break as its just constant pain.
After hours in pain and constant bleeding I still had not passed the sac so the doctor told me I would have to wait until morning and go for the D&C.
The morning after we got ready to go down to theatre the doctor come to collect me to take me down I said to her I just wanted to go to the toilet first and when I went to the toilet I passed the sac so that saved me from having to go through with the procedure.
I wanted to share this with everyone because it is real it happens to a lot of women, we see everywhere on TV and online, even our own Facebook pages where women have the perfect pregnancy! No one really talks about the bad so when you go through it you feel so alone I don’t want anyone who is reading this to feel that way. It was the hardest thing I had ever been through and I don’t feel like I have to keep this to myself anymore, talking about it really helps.
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